WWW Wednesday | 12-05-2021

Hey guys, it’s WWW Wednesday time! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and now hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words. Basically, I have to answer 3 questions with 3W’s : What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? and then link this post to the host.

Queen of Air and Darkness: There are so many threads in this story, sometimes it’s hard to keep a track of things, but I’m too gone for this world, so I don’t mind. I’m halfway through this book, and boy, this is turning out to be far more twisty and unpredictable than the other novels. It also feels like I’m reading City of Lost Souls all over again because there are some events that are quite similar to that book and picks up after that timeline. I guess Morgensterns are the Villains of this world who will grace us with their presence to eternity. Just when I thought I was done with the Morgensterns in TMI series, they came back and surprised me. This book is diverting and hope that the conclusion won’t disappoint me.

The Bone Witch: I’m only 100p. through this book. I’m loving the world, including each kingdoms and the people. Tea’s distress and misery I almost comical to read. Mistress Parmina is definitely not an easy person to live with and she keeps Tea on her toes. Asha are definitely the highlight of this novel and I’m learning about their life and culture slowly. Each details are intricately written in the book, and I’m savoring every second of it. I’m hoping to finish this book by this week, and see if I should start the next book immediately or not.

The Shadows of the God: This is one of my most anticipated reads and I’ve only started it. I liked the first few chapters so far. This book is fast paced and seems to have a great premise, which is what I wanted to read at the moment.

The Gilded Ones: I was completely taken by the concept of the gilded ones in the book. I’ll be reviewing this one shortly and can’t wait to share my thoughts on it.

The Poet X: I never expected this book to be so intense and moving. After reading this book, I can safely say that I’m a fan of Elizabeth Acevedo’s writing. I can still hear the last few poems ringing in my ears, and I highly recommend it to YA readers.

➼ I’ve been waiting to read Chain of Gold since last month. I was waiting to finish The Dark Artifices series to start this one. Now that I’m almost finished with TDA series, I’ll finally get to read this book.

➼ When I read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and Vicious last month, I was always going back to A Darker Shade of Magic. I loved the first book in the Shades of Magic series and want to finish the remaining two this month. I love the magic system and the parallel world concept of this book, so I’m thrilled to continue this series.

What are you guys reading for this week? Let me know in the comments.

Paperbacktomes Gratitude Pic 2021

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